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Ambient radiation reading

Location: Yokohama, Tsuzuki-ku. Time base: 600 seconds (10 minutes).

Updated a few times per hour. To see latest, refresh your browser window.

Graph of Ambient Radiation, Yokohama, Tsuzuki-ku

Transferred by Zscreen software screenshot from a Windows 7 home system, found not stable, sorry. Latest 10 minutes reading

Radiation Yokohama is down for a change

If you enjoyed the data, thank you. The wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant appears to be cooling down and in the past months I noticed no major new releases of  radioactive  pollution.  Many vigilant people use their Geiger counters and dosemeters to locate hotspots and some that were found have no relation to the disaster at Fukushima.

Strontium that was measured in some places is normal for nuclear accident  releases. Similar to what was deposited in Southern Germany from Chernobyl Strontium-90 (Summary in German) contributes about 1% of the activity of Cesium-137 and 134.

For ease of use I plan to replace the graph with a single value, easier to read than interpreting the up and down of the random event that radiation is at short sample times. I hope to get the software play nice with the data aggregation site at

What about ground or food contamination?

Most simple Geiger counters, as used on this site and in many  places, are good for a warning to stay indoors in case of black rain from nuclear fallout. Sensitive as they may be, they are hardly sensitive enough to quickly and reliably detect the small additional activity within the normal background radiation to isolate the contribution from a ground or food sample. It usually takes heavy shielding and good spectrometry to tell that story truthfully.

Relative radiation risk… Recently, we get a lot of radiation values in our news streams and very few have comparison data to estimate: is this normal, elevated, severe or hazardous? Distrust and panic may result. Here, I aim to provide a bit of grounding.

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Ambient radiation graphs, 24h, 28d

This is a volunteer activity, went on-line 2011-08-27. Maintaining the 24h and 28d graphs for now. Others discontinued. Aiming to make the data more re-usable

System is still in experimental phase, may not be available at times.

Compare with other sites, draw your own conclusions.

24 hours

Click to enlarge. Image updated a few times per hour. Reload page to see changes.

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Trying something else, data stream in the cloud

Data graphing started 2011-08-27 may be discontinued

Working with the radiation data  acquisition and graphing software AW-RADW turned out OK for this graphic display but the combination with batch files reminded  me of a temporary career step as an IT Network admin 20 years ago. In other words, I did not get it to run, reliably. The combined software takes more than 10 minutes to update 5 4 graphs so every second run does not start because the prior instance has not yet finished. All the data points are there, only the update is infrequent.

What’s more, data released as graphic do not join private sector initiative maps, such as or the map by the Institute for Information Design, Japan.

Cloud to the rescue

Finding many radiation counters in Japan on maps with data streams pointing to, I decided to give that a try.  This meant a new set of batch files, to start the application AW-RADW, tell it to write to an ASCII file every 10 minutes and put the value to a pachube data stream.   More to come as I learn the basics.

Ambient radiation graphs, 6h, 24h, 28d, 365d

Update: maintaining only the 24h and 28d graph.
This is a volunteer activity, went on-line 2011-08-27.

System is still in experimental phase, may not be available at times.
Compare with other sites, draw your own conclusions.

6 hours

Click to enlarge. Image updated a few times per hour. Reload page to see changes.

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